Tuesday 8 October 2024

3rd October

A number of people away this meeting, but we still managed a good crop of quilts, and a lot of chatter.

We delivered a bundle of quilts to Greenwich Hospital Palliative Care unit.  We hadn't donated any there for quite a while, and they were delighted to receive the quilts.

A lovely email was tabled.  It was from a lady whose father had been the recipient of a quilt from us while in Concord Hospital.  It is such a joy to receive a thank you like that - it makes our efforts worthwhile.

One of our members attended a Presentation Day at the Canada Bay Club at which our group were presented with a very welcome cheque.  We are grateful for the support we get from such organisations.  Without the grants, we would not be able to function.

Helen D has donated a bundle of quilts - they need to be completed, so you will see them in coming weeks.

The ladies at the Hobbysew Group have donated a number of quilts.  Thank you ladies!

This next one was a donation from Toni

And this one was made by Cheryl from Friday Quilters

The rest were made by our members.  Aren't they a talented bunch?

That's it for today.  See you next time.

Tuesday 1 October 2024


Here we are almost at the next meeting of Stitching Hearts, and I am at last posting about the previous meeting.  Still, late is better than never, or so I tell myself.  Currently having the house painted, and the place is in chaos.  Thankfully only the exterior, but nevertheless, the mess is incredible.

We made two deliveries since the last report.  Grace's Place is doing the most amazing work with support for children who are affected by homicide.  So sad that there is actually a need for that.  Click here to read more about this work.

There was also a delivery of quilts and other items to We Care Connect.   Both organisations are such worthy causes.

We were invited to a Morning Tea of Volunteers put on by Meals on Wheels.  Three of our members attended that, and were each presented with flowers.

We discussed the arrangements for our Christmas party.  Can't believe we are at this time of the year already!  Anyway, our party will be on the 21st November, and that will also be our last day for this year.  So only 3 more meetings!

These were a donation from Toni.  The quilts were quilted by our members:

Next up is a little quilt donated by Cheryl from Friday Quilters.

And this is a donation from Wattle Grove Quilters.  Some lovely intricate work in that.

That's it for today.  See you soon,

Thursday 12 September 2024


Last week was the first meeting for September.  Most of our members were at the meeting, and consequently a huge number of quilts were on the floor.  Almost as many quilts which needed to be completed (I don't show those until they are done), as the ones photographed for this post.

Two of the organisations we give quilts to - Allowah and Dandelion Support Network have given us a shout out on their Facebook pages after our last delivery to them.  Do you do Facebook?  Do check out these two great organisations (and our page too!).

Apologies to the makers.  My photography was below standard and I have managed to chop the tops off quite a few quilts.

As usual, quite a few donations to our group from our supporters.  First two quilts are made by Robyn and Mary, who regularly give us quilts.

This one was made by Sue from Friday Quilters.

The next four were made by Toni and completed by our members.

There was a table full of sweet little baby booties, beanies for kids, flannel wraps, and a lovely scrappy shawl.

And lots more quilts.....

Thanks for visiting, and see you next time.