Tuesday 1 October 2024


Here we are almost at the next meeting of Stitching Hearts, and I am at last posting about the previous meeting.  Still, late is better than never, or so I tell myself.  Currently having the house painted, and the place is in chaos.  Thankfully only the exterior, but nevertheless, the mess is incredible.

We made two deliveries since the last report.  Grace's Place is doing the most amazing work with support for children who are affected by homicide.  So sad that there is actually a need for that.  Click here to read more about this work.

There was also a delivery of quilts and other items to We Care Connect.   Both organisations are such worthy causes.

We were invited to a Morning Tea of Volunteers put on by Meals on Wheels.  Three of our members attended that, and were each presented with flowers.

We discussed the arrangements for our Christmas party.  Can't believe we are at this time of the year already!  Anyway, our party will be on the 21st November, and that will also be our last day for this year.  So only 3 more meetings!

These were a donation from Toni.  The quilts were quilted by our members:

Next up is a little quilt donated by Cheryl from Friday Quilters.

And this is a donation from Wattle Grove Quilters.  Some lovely intricate work in that.

That's it for today.  See you soon,

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