Monday, 19 June 2023

Mid June

We had a lovely thank you email from the Broken Hill branch of the RFDS (Royal Flying Doctor Service in case you are unfamiliar with that).  Earlier this year we gave them a quilt for a fundraising raffle. They advised that they had held a ball on the 5th May at the local Civic Centre.  The quilt was sold at a Silent Auction and raised $550.  A great outcome for that.

Deliveries have been made to the Dandelion Support Network, and to the Concord Palliative Care Unit, both of which have been gratefully received.

We agreed to donate 2 children's quilts to two children who are recent refugees, through a contact in a local nursing home.      

Some lovely quilts arrived today.  The first 3 are donations to our group by the Monday Quilters:

In a few days time it will be the shortest day of the year here, but there are still probably 2 months of winter left for us.  Is it winter or summer where you are?

Thanks for visiting, and see you next time.

1 comment:

  1. All kind of lovely projects in this parade. Loved it. We are heading toward Summer. It still nice at the moment, not scorching hot yet. Stay warm. ;^)
