Our last meeting was the middle of June. Since then we have been in lockdown again, missed one meeting already, and will not be allowed to attend the next one either. Very sad, but it does mean more sewing time!
Concord Senior Citizen’s Association have made a
donation to us of $400 and the Rotary Club of Concord a donation of $1,000. A big thank you to both of these organisations
for their generous donations. We couldn’t
function without the support of our sponsors.
Batul V donated 8 completed quilts to us. Batul had made contact with our group via our
webpage. Thank you Batul for your
generous donation.
Maria’s friend Robyn has donated a quilt. And Jill’s neighbour Lorraine, some
beanies and scarves which will be very welcome at this time of the year. Thank
you to these two ladies too.
have told you before about the collections we make during our meetings. As a
result, we donated $110 to SleepyBurrows Wombat Sanctuary last month. The Sanctuary is situated
near Gundaroo, a small village in the NSW Southern Tablelands, about 35 km from Canberra. The sanctuary cares for sick, injured,
illegal pet and orphaned wombats undergoing rehabilitation prior to be released back into the wild. We received a thank you for that donation with some
cute photos included:
Here are the quilts and other goodies brought in today:
See you at the end of Lockdown! Untill then, stay warm and healthy.