Friday, 29 May 2020

ISewlation Post 4

There have been quite a few quilts dropped off at our collection hub in Sydney so time for another post.  Bev advised me today that 102 quilts had been delivered  since we stopped meeting.  Isn't that awesome!

Earlier this week, there was a delivery of  7 single, 10 lap and 5 children's quilts to Sanctuary Housing.  We have donated quilts to this organisation before, but not for ages. They provide women and children with accommodation, food, clothing and assistance due to domestic violence and homelessness. We have been invited to go one day and see the work they do. 

You might remember that we had a large donation of quilts from the Shepparton Quilters a couple of years ago, and we posted photos of them over a period of about 6 months.  Jill had a call recently from Lynne, one of the ladies - I'm told they read our blog posts, so here is a hello to the Shepparton Quilters from our group!

Jill has also spoken to the Senior Citizens Club re arrangements for our return to the hall for meetings.  Unfortunately there is no indication when we might be able to return.

Enjoy the quilts!

Did you know that Stitching Hearts has its own Facebook page?  If you visit us there (search for Stitching Hearts Quilters), and hit "like" you will see the posts as they are written.  Come and visit us and say hello.

See you next time....

Monday, 11 May 2020

Isewlation Post No. 3

It is now over 9 weeks since our little group has been able to meet.  But like all those working from home we have set up a little system.  As I mentioned in my last post, the cupboards at the Centre have been cleared of all completed, and partially completed quilts; a number of members have volunteered to complete the quilts needing quilting; and we have a hub where we can drop off any completed quilts. 

A delivery to Domestic Violence was organised for last week: 14 singles, 25 laps, 34 children's quilts, 9 baby wraps, 10 scarves and 40 beanies.  A fantastic effort by everyone, and especially to the ladies who organised and made the drop off.  A lot of effort has also gone into picking up quilts from our ladies and delivering to our collection point, and photographing them all.  Everyone has continued to make quilts, which is especially appreciated at this time when the need for a little comfort is so great.  We are also going into winter here, so these quilts will be really useful as the night get colder.

As a result, there are a lot of photos in this post.  Since some of these were completed quilts from the cupboard, you may have seen them before.  If so, my apologies.  Hope you don't get bored!

First up is a quilt which was donated as a flimsy (an unfinished quilt top) by Susan and Shelly, from Pittsworth in Queensland a couple of months ago.  So good to be able to acknowledge the maker of a donated quilt!  Thank you ladies.

The next two were both made from little 9-patches.  We had a donation of 2 shoeboxes stuffed to overflowing, of these 9-patches from an unknown maker some months ago.
So far, there have been about 7 or 8 quilts made from them!  I do believe that is the last though. So much effort went into making those blocks, it's good to see they haven't been thrown away.

If you have got to the end of this post, well done for persevering!

Until next time, keep safe and keep sewing.